Whenever you make a sale, you give or email your customer a receipt. Even though receipts have higher open rates than promotional emails and already have the attention of your customers, sales receipts are one of the commonly overlooked marketing opportunities.Use your ACE Point of Sale system to customize your email or tape receipts to stay connected with your customers and win additional sales by:~ Promoting your online store, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter pages~ Offer a discount code to encourage repeat customers~ Promote seasonal marketing programs~ Offer time-limited coupons to drive traffic during low season~ Upsell or cross-sell profitable products in your store~ Add barcodes for easier returns or exchanges~ Direct customers to online surveys for valuable feedback and more!

See below to learn how to add coupons or customize your ACE tape receipts. For more instructions, active support plan members can visit the ACE Online Knowledge Portal or email us at support@acepos-solutions.com.
1) Open ACE and go to the “Defaults” tab and then the “Sales” tab.2) Under the “Sales” tab, you will find an option that says “Tender”. Click on Tender.3) Once you click on the “Tender” option, you will find the following display.

4) Click on the tab that says “Other (Discount Coupon/Foreign Exchange)”. The following page appears.

5) Fill in the details you would like printed on the receipt including validity period, whether the coupon is based on % or value, minimum spending requirement, etc.6) The checkbox that says “Frame in Asterisk(*)” will add a frame around the details.7) Once everything is completed, save the changes and restart ACE Retail 3000. Your next tape receipt will print with the coupon at the bottom.
This is how a default tape receipt looks:

If you would like to edit the top of the receipt (where number 1 is) skip to: Editing Header information.If you would like to edit the bottom of the receipt (where number 2 is) skip to: Editing Footer information.Editing Header Information:1) Go to Setup > Store > Store Information as shown on the following image:

2) Under Store Information, make sure that the contact details are correct as they will also print on all receipts.Store Name (Please contact ACE POS Solutions Ltd. as you will not be able to change the store name yourself)Address 1Phone 1Fax

After making any changes, save it and your next receipt will print with the new information.Editing Footer Information:1) Go to Setup > Equipment > Printers/Cash Drawer as shown on the following image:

2) Go to the Tape Printer Tab and click on the Print Options button, as shown on the following image:

3) Under Print Options go to: the Tender tab > Under Tender Output make sure to select Tape Invoice and under the Comment Lines (as shown with number 1 and 2):

4) Enter the information you would like the receipt to show:

To add invoice barcodes to your receipts for easy returns or exchanges, make sure to check the “Print Barcode” checkbox below:

5) Save it and restart ACE Retail 3000. Your next receipt will print with the new details, as shown on the following image: