Please note that we have recently upgraded our telephone system as part of our recent move to the IBM Innovation Space-Markham Convergence Centre.
With our new system, we are now able to serve you better by:
- Allowing customers to dial by extension for faster connection during appointments.
- Leave personal voice messages that are automatically entered into our support ticketing queue.
At this time, we ask that you please do the following for faster access to both support and customer service:
- Bookmark or print out the support page on our web site for a list of all support options and our full contact details.
- Send us a list of all authorized contacts and phone numbers associated with your accounts to ensure faster priority in our telephone ticketing queue. Our new phone system now automatically prioritizes incoming calls from contacts that are on active support plans. All other incoming calls will always take longer to enter the queue as they will need to be manually associated.
- Check that you are calling the correct phone numbers for ACE POS Solutions Ltd.:
Main Line: +1-416-221-2555
Toll-Free: +1-855-660-2555 (Canada & US only)
We are a different company from the previous company, Advanced Computing Edge Ltd. Since 2016, Advanced Computing Edge Ltd. has forwarded their phone numbers to us but as they are only a holding company now, the old support phone numbers will shortly be discontinued.
Thank you for your continued support!
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